- Conducting Motor Vehicle Record Checks
- VINCIBLE Program for Officer Safety TIPS
- Off-Highway Vehicle Safety
- Emergency Vehicle Operations Statutes
- Loading and Transporting Equipment TIPS
- Right-of-Way Maintenance Operations TIPS
- CDL Drug and Alcohol Testing: Clearinghouse TIPS
- Flagging Operations TIPS
- Navigating Intersections TIPS
- Sanitation Vehicles and Rider Safety TIPS
- Traffic Control Planning TIPS
- Traffic Incident Management TIPS
- Seatbelts Save Lives TIPS
Publications/T.I.P.S. Sheets
Together Improving Processes and Safety (T.I.P.S.) Sheet Program
Studies have shown that frequent workplace safety discussions save lives, prevent injury, and protect property. The discussions should be short, succinct, and simple to understand.
The Risk Pool’s Loss Prevention Department has developed the T.I.P.S. Sheet Program to provide a template for Members’ staff to have those discussions and show that the Member has a culture of safety in the workplace.
Loss prevention staff regularly prepares the sheets to share with members by email through their fund contact. We ask the fund contact to forward the sheet to their appropriate employees for review.
Supervisors can follow this easy formula for a short meeting before the day’s work commences:
1. Talk about upcoming work projects.
2. Decide how to prevent or mitigate potential safety issues.
3. Understand the proper tools and equipment for the job.
A minimum of three minutes should be dedicated to talk about activities, hazards, safe work practices, and procedures for the work to be performed. Even that miniscule time investment has been shown to save lives and prevent injuries.
Click on one of the following T.I.P.S. sheet categories to see related sheets or other publications to start getting safer today:
- Working from Heights TIPS
- Slips and Falls Prevention
- HazCom Inspection TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Importance of Safety Training TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Poisonous Plants and Insects TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Strains and Sprains TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Housekeeping TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Safety Committee TIPS
- Staying Hydrated TIPS
- Hand Tool Safety Practices TIPS
- Safely Working with Electricity TIPS
- Avoiding Eye Injury TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Avoiding Safety Shortcuts TIPS
- High Visibility Apparel TIPS
- Required Posters for Public Entities in Texas
- Workers’ Compensation At-a-Glance TIPS
- Presentation: Navigating the Workers’ Compensation Process
- Progressive Discipline to Positively Guide TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Workplace Violence (English and Spanish)
- Trenching and Excavation TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Confined Spaces (English and Spanish)
- Transfer Stations - What is Your Fire Risk? TIPS
- Transfer Stations - Are Your Operations Safe? TIPS
- Confined Spaces (English and Spanish)
- Trench and Excavation Safety TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Refuse Collection - Preventing Truck Fires TIPS
- Refuse Collection - Vehicle Rider Safety TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Refuse Collection - Striking Fixed Objects TIPS
- Debris Removal TIPS
- 2023-2024 Year in Review TIPS
- 2024 Fireworks Display Safety
- Winter Weather TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Is Your Splash Pad Safe? TIPS
- Surviving the Texas Heat TIPS (English and Spanish)
- Holiday Safety TIPS
Related Links
Americans with Disabilities Act
Job Accommodation Network (JAN) - West Virginia University
Provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with disabilities. JAN also provides information regarding the ADA, job accommodation facts, publications, and links to other sites.
National Program for Playground Safety - University of Northern Iowa
Provides a national action plan, safety information, statistics and a link to the CPSC Handbook on Playground Safety.
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation - Architectural Barriers Program
The Department of Licensing and Regulation oversees accessibility in publicly and privately financed buildings and facilities. Note: The Department enforces the Texas Architectural Barriers Act, not the Americans with Disabilities Act.
U.S. Access Board - United States Architectural and Transportation Compliance Board
Independent federal agency site for accessibility. Site contains Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards, guidelines for buildings and facility design, transportation vehicle guidelines, publications and other resources.
U.S. Department of Justice - Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA Home Page
Includes information on enforcement, technical assistance programs and materials (including commonly asked questions), new or proposed regulations, ADA mediation and settlement information.
Employment Issues
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Contains information on employment discrimination, workplace safety, workers' compensation and representative chapters of 29 U.S. Code – Labor, pertinent to employment. The 'Quick Start for Employers' is a good starting point.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
This site and its links promote drug-free workplaces. It contains information on specific drugs, and general topics on drug abuse and treatments.
Texas Municipal Human Resources Association
TMHRA sponsors training classes and seminars, along with providing a newsletter and other services to members.
Texas Workforce Commission
Provides information on wage and labor laws, Texas Labor Workforce statistics, welfare reform information, as well as conference and meeting schedules and a newsletter.
US Department of Labor
Provides general information on the US Department of Labor, press releases, labor regulations, and data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The 'E-Laws' section is a tool to access frequently asked questions and information on federal labor laws.
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection Agency
Publications, projects, programs, news and events, laws and regulations.
Environmental Protection Agency – CEPPO
The EPA's Chemical Emergency Management and Prevention Office provides information on accident prevention and chemical risk management plans that some water and wastewater plants must do under law.
Environmental Protection Agency — Documents
The National Environmental Publications website will allow one to search the database for pertinent environmental documents.
Local Government Environmental Assistance Network
Providing environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers, and staff.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
The State agency responsible for enforcement of environmental laws. Includes laws, rules and regulatory guidance documents.
Vermont Safety Information Resources
Information on Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Centers for Disease Control
Information and studies on ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders.
Site contains case studies, reference materials, consulting services, on-line training software, and an ergonomics buyer's guide.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Ergonomic program guidelines, prevention for work-related musculoskeletal disorders, and statistics.
UCLA Ergonomics
Articles that provide office and laboratory ergonomic tips, back safety information, information on work-related musculoskeletal disorders, and related links.
Fire Protection and Firefighter Safety
Firehouse Magazine
Online magazine on firefighter issues includes information on current events and fire incidents throughout the country.
International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA)
Provides an online catalog service for fire service training materials, and also links to National Fire Protection Association as well as magazines and publications.
National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED)
NAFED represents over 1000 fire equipment distributors, suppliers, and affiliates. This site also provides links to Internet fire resources.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Fire resource links, NFPA Catalog, events calendar, codes and standards, and product information.
Site is dedicated to emergency responder safety along roadways. Videos, articles, and incident updates.
Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
A listing of TEEX fire programs, training courses, and products. The site also includes resources and services that are provided.
Texas Forest Service
The Texas Forest Service administers cost sharing assistance programs for volunteer fire departments. Information on the programs can currently be found under 'Volunteer Fire Department Support."
United States Fire Administration (USFA)
Entity of the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency that provides fire safety information, training, publications, for fire and emergency services.
General Safety and Health
American Red Cross
Contains a site directory for safety and health links, and provides a list of services that include armed forces emergency services, biomedical services, disaster services, international services, as well as nursing.
National Institute of Health
Contains health information resources such as clinical trial databases, publications, health hotlines, special programs, and the National Library of Medicine.
National Safety Council
Provides information on workplace and home safety, offers publications on driving, first aid/CPR, and many more topics.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
While local governments in Texas are not subject to OSHA regulations, there are many important references provided by OSHA, such as confined space entry, excavations and other standards.
Safety information for business and industries. On a subscription basis, this company offers safety programs, hand-outs for safety training, compliance information for EPA, OSHA standards, safety checklists, and other safety references and links.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality — Hazard Communication Branch
Provides information on the Hazcom regulation for those that fall under the Act, and includes reporting forms and a model program for Texas public employers.
Texas Department of Insurance — Division of Workers' Compensation
The Workers' Health and Safety division of the TDI provides access to a video lending library, publications and guidelines on addressing safety issues, and information on seminars. The site also provides access to rules and regulations regarding workers' compensation in Texas.
National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
Contains publications and information regarding work zone traffic control safety.
Consumer Products Safety Commission
CPSC is an independent Federal regulatory agency that helps keep American families safe by reducing risk and injury from consumer products. Publications include playground safety, bleacher safety, skateboarding, and many others.
Department of Transportation
Provides links to State and local government transportation organizations such as Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and others.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The EPA site contains background information, press releases, speeches, newsletters, projects and programs, laws and regulations, and other topics that concern the environment.
Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC)
Contains guidelines on sex and national origin discrimination, laws and regulations that are enforced by EEOC, Compliance Manual, Federal Sector information, and links to other employment related sites.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Federal agency that provides disaster relief nationwide to victims. Site includes information on disaster assistance such as Public Assistance Program, Rapid Response Information System and individual assistance programs that help people and businesses to recover after a disaster.
Municipal Code Corporation
The MCC is not a government organization and does provide services for a fee, but the website has links to municipal ordinances for review.
State of Texas
Links are provided for employment, Texas Department of Health & Human Services, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Laws and Courts, Education, and State Government, which provides a listing of Texas State Agencies.
Texas Legislature Online
Links to Texas Statutes, Administrative Code, and Constitution, along with search capabilities on legislative bills.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Contains a listing of Health & Human Service related agencies, a Healthfinder for topics such as AIDS, cancer, government health news and categories for specific age groups, as well as a Gateway for information on Federal Grant programs, and other resources.
U.S. Federal Government Agencies Directory
Links to every federal agency on the Internet including the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative Branches as well as a listing of Boards, Commissions and Committees.
Health and Wellness
American Medical Association
Offers a Doctor Finder, consumer health information, journals and American Medical News, online catalogs, books, products and software services, and access to the American Medical Accreditation Program.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Contains A-Z health topics, publications, software and products, data and statistics, subscriptions and other health-related sites.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Site provides NIH health resources such as consumer health publications, clinical trials, health hotlines, MEDLINE, and information index. The site also contains a NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, and links to National Institutes and Offices of Health.
Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS)
DSHS site provides a listing of Boards and Councils on health issues, a disease prevention topical listing, laws and regulations, license and certifications required for various occupations and businesses, and other health-related sites.
Provides health information and tools for managing health. Also includes information on medicines.
Industrial Hygiene
American Industrial Hygiene Association
Provides publications, products, and periodicals that are related to the industrial hygiene field as well as news, public relations and government affairs.
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers
International organization whose purpose is to advance the arts & sciences of heating, ventilation, refrigeration, and air conditioning for the public's benefit through research, continuing education, and publications.
Environmental Protection Agency - Indoor Air Quality
This website contains information and links regarding indoor air quality including guidelines on managing air quality in public buildings.
Texas Department of Health - Indoor Air Quality Branch
The TDH Indoor Air Quality Branch has guidelines on indoor air quality and links to other resources. The Indoor Air Quality Program provides information on indoor air pollution to private residents, public schools, small businesses, and government entities (including county and city health departments).
Law Enforcement
Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS)
Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. provides resources to assist in the rebuilding of the lives of surviving families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty as determined by Federal criteria. The website has a document that lists benefits available to families of Texas peace officers killed in the line of duty.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Site contains Uniform Crime Reports, a 'Most Wanted' listing, a kidnapping and missing persons page, also links to the US Department of Justice.
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
Provides information on conferences, training programs, membership, and a staff contact listing for the services provided. Also links to federal government sites, judicial sites, and law enforcement agencies by nation, region and state.
National Crime Prevention Council
Provides training and conference information, publications, program ideas, community initiatives, and several links for other crime prevention related sites.
News, training articles, and links for law enforcement agencies.
Site is dedicated to emergency responder safety along roadways. Videos, articles, and incident updates.
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE)
Site offers Commission course information, rules, statutes, and newsletter.
Texas Police Chiefs Association
The TPCA provides a recognition program and sample policies to its members, along with updates for Texas police chiefs.
Texas Department of Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety administers the sexual offender database, provides motor vehicle record information free of charge to local governments (forms are on the website), and handbooks for drivers of commercial motor vehicles and automobiles in PDF format.
U.S. Department of Justice
Contains US Attorneys' Manual, legal documents, reports and publications, also links to a listing of fugitives and missing persons. The site also offers information on body armor grants.
U.S. Department of Justice Programs
Site offers information regarding Bulletproof Vest Partnership program and Body Armor Safety Initiative. The site also offers information on body armor grants.
Parks and Recreation
American Red Cross
Source for aquatics programs, first-aid and CPR information, general water safety and lifeguarding, as well as HIV/AIDS education.
Aquatics International
Free subscription to aquatics professionals. Resources for planning, maintaining, managing and promoting aquatics facilities.
Centers for Disease Control - Healthy Swimming
Educational materials regarding recreational water illnesses.
Jeff Ellis and Associates, Inc.
Provider of risk management programs for waterparks and a lifeguard certification. Has online newsletter.
National Aquatic Safety Company
Provides information on aquatic safety such as courses, procedures and training for lifeguards and their instructors. There is also an online newsletter and lifeguard manual.
National Program for Playground Safety
Safety information for playgrounds, US Consumer Product Safety Commission Handbook, resources for playground equipment and manufacturers, and a listing of websites related to public playground safety.
National Swimming Pool Foundation
The NSPF provides the Certified Pool Operator certification. A list of classes is on its website.
Playworld Systems, Inc.
A company that sells playground equipment. Safety information and a free guideline are offered.
National Recreation and Park Association
Information for parks professionals, buyer's guide, programs for youth, playground safety and an active search for parks nationwide.
Texas Parks & Wildlife
Offers information on hunting, fishing, boating, nature, conservation and hunter education classes. Also links to related site such as Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, the EPA, and National Park Service, etc.
Texas Recreation and Parks Society (TRAPS)
Site offers educational and networking opportunities for parks and recreational service professionals. The site contains a buyer's guide, calendar of events around the state, publications, and training and certifications opportunities.
Texas Public Pool Council
The TPPC provides information and education to aquatic professionals. The organization also sponsors a discussion group.
Texas Department of State Health Services
The source for the Texas Department of State Health Services swimming pool codes along with other aquatics links.
Public Works
American Public Works Association
Contains a resource center for all areas of public works such as utilities, transportation, water/wastewater—etc. Offers publications, a catalog, videos, and information on conferences.
American Society of Civil Engineers
Provides information on government relations that federally impact engineers, regulatory issues, legislation, publications, as well as a listing of conferences and continuing education opportunities.
Public Works.com
Provides news on the public works industry. Included also are resources for trade shows and conferences, on online special events page, free product information, and discussion forums.
Texas Local Technical Assistance Program
Provides resources on road and highway safety, including the free Lone Star Roads newsletter and a video lending library.
National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
Provides information to improve motorist, worker and pedestrian safety in roadway work zones.
Risk Management
Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters Society
Contains information on membership, a press release directory of educational events, public service announcements, and links for several insurance sites.
Nonprofit Risk Management Center
Provides information to non-profit staff and volunteers through publications, training, consulting, briefs on liability, insurance and risk management, and conference information.
Public Risk Management Association
Contains information on conferences and seminars, offers books, manuals, guides, videos—etc. through a Risk Management Resource Center, and a governmental affairs page which monitors federal legislative and regulatory activities.
Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI)
Provides a clearinghouse on risk management and insurance, local government, safety and health, disaster management, and others. Also provides a news center for programs and activities of PERI.
Risk Insurance Management Society (RIMS)
Offers a listing of conferences and events, courses for professional development, publications, and links to governmental and risk management sites.
Safety Associations and Organizations
American Society of Safety Engineers
Provides safety standards, conference information, a national registry of safety professionals, publications and links to safety related sites.
American Society for Testing and Materials
Contains a listing of standard specifications, a directory of scientific and technical consultants, a tracker for standard changes, and publications.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Site for car and passenger safety information, regulations and industry standards, injury prevention, crash tests, recalls, and ratings.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Provides a guide for chemical hazards, health hazard evaluations, conferences and special programs, publications, and a topic index.
National Safety Council
Provides resource topics concerning public safety, the environment, community and workplace safety. Listing of upcoming conferences, safety calendar, publications and an online library.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Listing of FEMA's reference materials.
National League of Cities
The National League of Cities has free publications and resources on security issues.
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
Information on handling bomb threats.
Building Owners and Managers Association
Building security publications.
American Water Works Association
The AWWA has videos and publications regarding utility security.
Department of Homeland Security
The mission of the Department of Homeland Security is to guard against terrorism, secure U.S. borders, enforce immigration laws, and improve readiness for, response to and recovery from disasters.
Texas Division of Emergency Management
The Texas Division of Emergency Management coordinates the state emergency management program. Resources include updates on disasters in Texas, severe weather, emergency preparedness, hazard mitigation and other topics.
American Public Transportation Association
Listing of conferences and events, legislative action center with information on congress, transit-related bills, votes, House and Senate Floor and links to international transit sites.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Airline information including a FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation, National Transportation Library with books, articles, and technical reports, and international transportation statistical programs and analytical reports and studies.
Texas Department of Transportation
Site contains public transportation information such as vehicle specifications, Texas Transportation Codes, information on operating credentials, and oversize/weight permit requirements.
US DOT Federal Highway Administration
Highway reports and publications, legislation and regulations, state transportation sites, and a listing of federal highway programs.
US DOT Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Links to National Transit database and Office of Safety and Security website, information on Transportation Equity Act for 21st Century (TEA21), FTA calendar of events, and research and technical programs.
American Gas Association
Clearinghouse for gas energy information. Site contains a listing of advocacy issues, publications, industry codes and standards, conferences and workshops, and links to other natural gas-related sites.
American Public Power Association (APPA)
Organization dedicated to serving publicly owned electric utilities. Safety videos, a manual, and other publications are available for purchase.
American Water Works Association
Links to water utility sites, a small utility network for rural communities, information on legislative and federal regulations on drinking water, Water Wiser (a water efficiency clearinghouse) and other water related websites.
National Association of Clean Water Agencies
Provides information on regulations and legislation for wastewater utility professionals. Also has a bookstore, including a free tool for analyzing vulnerability to disasters and threats.
North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC)
Provides information on NERC committees and regional councils, planning standards, NERC operating manual, compliance programs, and links to utility, electric and nuclear sites.
US Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Safety information for natural gas industry, including issues such as risk management, operator qualification, and other federal laws.
Public Utility Commission of Texas
Information on rules and laws for electric and telecommunications, utility publications, consumer protection information, utility implemented legislative bills, and links to other government and utility sites.
Southern Gas Association
A source of training and development programs for natural gas utilities.
Texas Engineering Extension Service
TEEX provides education and training on water and wastewater certification, electric utility safety, work zone traffic control, along with law enforcement and firefighter training.
Texas Gas Association
Promotes education through various workshops and training sessions for the Texas Gas Industry. The site also provides links to several gas industry related sites.
Texas Railroad Commission — Pipeline Safety
Information on the Pipeline Safety Division, which oversees safety regulation of gas utilities in Texas. Includes links to pipeline safety rules.
Transportation Safety Institute - Federal Department of Transportation
This agency provides information on traffic safety, pipeline safety, including publications and a guidance manual for operators of small natural gas systems.
Texas Water Utilities Association
The TWUA offers publications and training for water utility personnel.
Water Environment Federation
Information on wastewater treatment and water quality. Conferences and workshops on water trends and technology. Federal water regulations and legislation, periodicals, magazines, newsletters, and links to the Water Environment Research Foundation.