Building for the Future:
The Next 50 Years










Latest Updates

January 2025 is R.O.A.D. Ready Month - Contact Your Safety and Loss Control Consultant to Learn More!

R.O.A.D. Ready is a Risk Pool program designed to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property by raising Member awareness of dangers on and near roadways.  The Pool provides participating Members with: (1) specifically designed resources and training to mitigate roadway risks; and (2) promotional materials to show they are R.O.A.D. Ready. Don't wait to ensure the safety of your employees - watch Risky explain the program and click the link below today!


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Building Cybersafe Communities Podcast - Ep. 7: Planning for the Unexpected  

Is your world secure? Check out the Cyber Squad's latest podcast episode. 

In it, you'll learn about conducting a business impact analysis, business continuity plan, and incident response plan.

You can also schedule an on-site or virtual Cyber Squad visit today through your Risk Management Advisor, by calling 512-491-2300, or by emailing cybersquad@tmlirp.org

Even if you don’t have time to watch, download Risky’s “Email Security Checklist” and put it next to your computer as a reminder to “think before you click!”


STP Podcast Episode 38 - First Responders' Mental Health

First responders operate in a difficult environment. In fact, most civilians have no idea the stressors of their daily work. One thing has become clear: These important jobs can quickly take a toll on the mental health of a city’s police, fire, EMS, animal control, and code enforcement personnel.

In this episode, host Scott Houston visits with Rick Randall, a retired Austin senior police chaplain and trainer who became an expert over the course of his career about the specifics of first responder mental health, about ways city management can support them.

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