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Are you vulnerable to a cyberattack? Schedule a visit with the Pool's Cyber Squad to find out
Keeping up with today’s cybersecurity threats is a challenge for TML Risk Pool Members. The Pool’s Cyber Squad, consisting of Ryan Burns (Cyber Risk Services Manager) and Mike Bell (Senior Cybersecurity Advisor) is here to help. The squad is an experienced team who can offer no-cost preventative services like: (1) cybersecurity best practices; (2) information security policy review/development; (3) incident response plan review; and much more. Schedule an on-site or virtual visit today through your Risk Management Advisor, by calling 512-491-2300, or by emailing cybersquad@tmlirp.org.
TML Risk Pool’s 2024 Parthership Award:
City of Laredo opioid Overdose Prevention Efforts
The TML Risk Pool recognizes the City of Laredo for its drug overdose prevention and response efforts. In 2008, the City Council created the Laredo Drug and Alcohol Commission, which includes members from the City and Webb County, and which has the following mission statement: To create awareness policies and services that will serve youth, adults and families in need of alcohol and drug abuse prevention.
Since its inception, the Commission has achieved numerous goals, including promoting awareness campaigns, creating a drug rehabilitation center, and coordinating stakeholder efforts. The Partnership Award recognizes the City’s efforts.
2024 Hurricane Season Ends November 30
The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, which ends on November 30, is in full swing. Forecasters are predicting up to 23 named storms, with five at a category 3 or higher. Are you prepared? Check out Episodes 16 and 16a of the “Local Officials: Stronger, Together Podcast” and all their accompanying materials to learn more!